Expression of Bliss
Pre-requisite: Should have completed Blast of Oneness (BoO) seminar.
Duration: 3-4 full day residential retreat
Location: Natural, scenic quite place
Acharyaji: “The one who can be happy when alone and in silence can only accomplish peace amidst cacophony. And the one who can remain happy in cacophony, only that person will be able to enjoy silent retreats”. So only after preparing the ground through prior seminars the student finds natural progression to full time PranDhyanTM retreat.
- The real gem of meditation techniques are covered in long sessions
- Silence (Mouna) is observed most of the times
- Amazing impact of PranDhyanTM is experienced
- Spiritual experiments that broaden the horizon of awareness
- Discourses which explain the intricacies of mind. The understanding of these discourses itself leads to silencing of mind.