Caged - Haiku
chirping birds of all kinds feasting on food - caged
From Piece to Peace
One is pissed when as a piece
when not a piece one is peace
piecemeal gives birth to piece
a piece gives death to peace
Glittering Moon - Haiku
agony of high tides
setting sun -
waiting for the full moon
steady river
bed of -
full moon glittering
It rains for ALL
when the adherance of dharma
mixes with the spirit of yagna
when the fruits of actions are shared by all
then it simply rains and rains for all
Let there be light
Let there be light.
a light that starts the drama of creation,
a light that radiates through actions of puppets,
Let's meet, where only we can
Life Moment
O life moment,
give me birth, give me death
when thou art birth, be thou death
a moment lived, be moment died
Meaning of Life
One went to search meaning of life through means
means only created more means
became impossible to get rid of means through any means
meandering through means made one all too mean